29 August 2010

Stone arches


Adullamite said...

What a place to live!

Relax Max said...

How does one conjure up such a design, much less actually build it? It looks almost free-form, like it was built little by little and things added here and there until it looks simply impossible.

It makes one want to know what is behind those doors. A wine cellar and the back door to a church, I'd guess.

A @ Photos from the Indre said...

@Adullamite, draughty and damp, I would think, but with certain compensations. :)

@Max, I would think you're right, though I don't know. The town is perched on top of a hill with steep alleys all leading upwards. The steps are l'Escalier de la Commanderie and lead to a church and the old ramparts. A public thoroughfare.

As for the wine cellar, I know nothing of such things.

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